jade r rogers
“All that you touch, You Change. All that you Change, Changes You. The only lasting truth is Change.”
~ Parable of the Sower, Octavia Butler
My love of history begins with my grandparents and parents, who were my first teachers and instilled in me invaluable lessons about our past. This deep connection to history drives my passion for genealogy and oral history, pursuits that allow me to uncover and preserve the stories of my family and communities of color.By piecing together forgotten details, I celebrate the resilience and achievements of those who came before us, recognizing that history is not just a record of the past but a guide to understanding who we are.As an Oral Historian, I work to collect, preserve, and interpret the voices and memories of marginalized communities, blending ancient storytelling traditions with modern digital technology. Through this work, I honor the past, enrich the present, and inspire future generations.
"The Poetic and Spiritual Expression of the African American Poet" in Black American Intellectualism and Culture: A Social Study of African American Social and Political Thought edited by James L. Conyers Jr.Edited publications and works for speaking engagements for Rosalyn Terborg-Penn while serving as her Research Assistant at Morgan State University.Assisted with publications for the Association of Black Women Historians.Served as Research Assistant to Debra Newman-Ham for her entry to The Columbia Guide to African American History Since 1939 Edited by Robert L. Harris, Jr. and Rosalyn Terborg-Penn.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that all children can learn. I believe that all children deserve a quality education with the best possible resources available. I also believe that adult learners deserve guidance and second chances. I believe that challenge is good and overcoming obstacles is a skill that all children need to learn early in their academic career. I also believe that critical thinking, cooperative play and problem solving are skills that our children need more than ever.Learning is about taking a subject or concept, observing it from all sides and, possibly deconstructing it and then piecing it back together with all that you've observed of its being. All children can process, analyze, interrogate, and interpret information when given the tools to succeed.I believe in looking at the margins and focusing on the details that often get glanced over or ignored, and then telling that story. We all love stories and we learn best through storytelling. We start our academic careers in the cradle hearing voices and listening to stories. For many of us, if we are lucky, we will leave this earth the same way. With someone talking to us and telling us stories. That understanding is significantly important and the key to learning.Some of my favorite teachers, the ones that I learned the most from, were the best storytellers. Whether literature, history, science or math, all subjects can be taught through a captivating story. Mastery for students comes when they are able to apply those stories to their lives and retell them with understanding whether orally, written or through some other means.I value being able to change someones attitude about learning History. So many students come in my classes and say they dislike History because its boring. As a result, they don't understand its significance in their daily lives. My goal is to reach those students and make connections with them to the History of the city they live in, the country they are from and the world that they impact. My goal is to foster a love or reading and History and ultimately, the stories that shape us.I use stories, primary source documents, photography, media and interactive lessons to guide my students towards deep understandings of History. The best measure of my students learning is the conversations they are able to have with each other and outside of class. A test can tell you what they remember but a conversation can tell you what they know.
The House of Afros, Capes & Curls is my way to connect all of the geeky friends I've collected over the years.I understood that the perception of black people did not align with a reality of interests in cosplay, renaissance festivals sci-fi or fantasy novels and comic books by people of color.I wanted a safe haven for all the lovers of comics, anime, gaming, tv and movies, regardless of ethnic background.
Through game nights, a community blog, and podcast, I we bring together people who ordinarily wouldn't cross paths and have them connect in special ways.We all find refuge in the same house and feel free to share our passions for all those nerdy, geeky things we love.
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